Access to the markets
The markets can be accesssed via four points – through Henty Street, Lonsdale Street, Mort Street Pathway and Torrens Street through the cement pathways. Each of these access points have kerb ramps.
The Lonsdale Street access has a wide raised pedestrian road crossing, that connects through to the tram public transport. This is the best entry point for individuals with impaired mobility.
Best time to visit
For finding parking close to the markets, and a quieter experience in the markets, the best time to visit is when it opens at 8am.
Grounds within the markets
The market stalls line the cement pathways, so majority of the stalls can be visited by these pathways with a mobility device. The other areas with stalls are hard flat park surfaces.
There are two seating areas, one is a familiy area that can accommodate prams and wheelchairs easily with wide open spaces.
Location of toilets
The toilets are located around 150m away along the cement pathway. Whilst they are old, the toilets are wheelchair accessible. The side handlers are in each toilet, one left and one right.
In the carparks on Girahween St, Braddon, there are roughly 50 spaces in each of the car parks. These car parks lead directly onto the pedestrian cement pathways with kerb ramps. Lonsdale Street has parking lining the Street that is 2 hour slots, this is also easily accessible to the market from these spaces via the raised pedestrian crossing. Early arrival is best for obtaining parking. The markets commence at 8am.
Please reach out to us if you need further information – info@haigparkvillagemarkets.com.au